Supporting your child or children after separation is an unknown playground for many parents. The challenges in guiding children and responding appropriately to changes in behaviour can be difficult. The “Parenting After Separation” program developed by Relationships Australia (also known as Supporting Children after Separation) is a course designed for separated parents and carers who want to find ways to support children through the process of separation.
In addition to learning about supporting children, the group will also focus on helping you manage your ongoing relationship with the other parent (and their family) and to reduce conflict.
There is a popular mantra among those experienced in family law which is:
It is not separation that affects children, it is conflict.
This course is designed to assist in reducing childrens’ exposure to conflict.
Over the period of the course, the program has 3 key outcomes:
Whilst there are several other focuses in the program, the above 3 are a central theme to improving relationships and positive behaviours.
The course is a 6-week program run over 6 consecutive nights with 8 – 12 participants.
Participants (parents and carers going through separation) and course group facilitators meet together.
The group facilitators are there to:
The focus is on developing a positive and practical approach to separation, teaching new skills to assist yourself and, importantly, supporting your children.
The program also assists in gaining techniques to address any negative habits or thoughts and to manage strong emotions constructively, creating a “new normal” for your family.
Yes – in a positive way!
The Court looks positively on those parents who are seeking ways to improve themselves, ultimately for the benefit of their greater family unit.
The Court will often order parents to undertake this course, or one similar, to try and empower them with the tools and behaviours to positively support their child or children. If parents decide to do this prior to any Court proceedings, there is little negative inference that can be drawn; only a positive.
Sometimes the Court will order parents and carers to do this but often, parents or carers can attend this program voluntarily. We often encourage our clients to participate.
You can contact us for further information about this course and its potential benefits in your specific circumstances.
Many of our clients who have undertaken the program, have found it to be incredibly helpful in considering alternate ways to communicate with the other parent.
They have also found support in other group participants who are going through similar experiences.
Initially, some people can be apprehensive as to whether they will get anything from the program. We have found at the end of the 6 weeks, clients are thanking us for encouraging them to enrol and complete the course.
The course is run by Relationships Australia. What you pay is assessed on your income and what is affordable to you.
You would need to contact Relationships Australia to see how much you would be required to pay to participate in the course.
Prior to participating in the 6-week program, you need to undertake an intake assessment (or pre-group interview) to determine your suitability for the course. This intake session is conducted by appointment only.
To book in, please contact Relationships Australia on 1300 364 277 or email
Family Lawyers Perth & Sydney
The information contained in this article is of general nature and should not be construed as legal advice. If you require further information, advice or assistance for your specific circumstances, please contact Meillon & Bright Family Lawyers.