Areas of Practice

We specialise in all facets of family law, from initial inquiries when you’re considering separation but have not yet taken the first steps through to the finalisation of divorce, property settlement and matters related to children and parenting.

When separating from your partner, it’s crucial that you understand your rights, your obligations and your entitlements. Although things may be amicable at the time of separation, they may not stay that way. We strongly recommend you formalise all your family law decisions to protect your future.

We will work with you every step of the way to guide you to a practical and workable solution. That may be to finalise your family law property settlement, formalise agreement on future parenting arrangements, draft a financial agreement between you and your partner or any other issue that may arise after separation.

Call now and speak with a family lawyer

WA 08 6245 0855 NSW 02 8320 0085

Contacting an experienced family lawyer is a crucial step in securing your future.

Whether you're only just considering separation or in the early stages of separating from your partner, or whether you're needing assistance with:

  • divorce;
  • parenting matters;
  • property settlement; or
  • financial agreements;

our team of experienced lawyers are here to help guide you through the family law system.

Latest Blogs

What happens if my ex-partner declares bankruptcy after separation?

What happens if my ex-partner declares bankruptcy after separation?

It is crucial that you understand how bankruptcy can impact your rights, finances, property settlement and even parenting arrangements. This article will explain what may happen if your ex-partner declares bankruptcy after separation and what steps you can take to protect yourself.
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How debts are treated in family law property settlement

How debts are treated in family law property settlement

In Australia, family law property settlement involves not only the division of assets, but also determining responsibility for debts. Debts can take many forms, from credit card debt to mortgages and personal loans. The treatment of these debts during a property settlement is a critical issue that needs to be addressed carefully.
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A comprehensive guide to family law consent orders

A comprehensive guide to family law consent orders

Resolving family law disputes can often feel overwhelming, especially when emotions are running high. However, there is a way to formalise agreements on issues like parenting matters, property division, and financial support (spousal maintenance) without a lengthy and costly Court battle.
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Dividing business assets in family law property settlements

Dividing business assets in family law property settlements

When a relationship breaks down, the division of assets is a major issue that often requires careful negotiation or court intervention. This process becomes more complex when business assets are involved.
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