
Category: Child Support

Can I secretly record my ex for family law proceedings?

Can I secretly record my ex for family law proceedings?

If your communications with the other side start to get messy or out of control, sometimes there is panic and people can be tempted to covertly and secretly record conversations. It’s important to know that there are legal limitations as to whether those recordings can or will be considered in Court and whether they were legally taken at all.
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Paternity tests to prove parentage in family law matters

Paternity tests to prove parentage in family law matters

A DNA paternity test can be performed where there is a dispute about who the child’s parents are. Most commonly, disputes can arise about who the father is in the context of child support. However, it is also common to see an application for DNA paternity testing in family law proceedings where a party is seeking to spend time with a child.
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What is adult child maintenance?

What is adult child maintenance?

The Family Law Act deals with what is referred to as “adult child maintenance” or “child maintenance”. The purpose of this Division is to ensure a proper level of financial support of children by their parents, having regard to their respective means.
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Are my future needs considered in family law property settlement?

Are my future needs considered in family law property settlement?

When a marriage or relationship breaks down, a question that often comes to mind is, “They make so much more money than me, I am sick, I am keeping the care of the children – will I be compensated for our different future needs?” 
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Difference between child support and spousal maintenance

Difference between child support and spousal maintenance

Following separation, one of the first issues people turn their minds to is what if any, financial support they may be entitled to from their former partner. Child support and spousal maintenance can provide financial support to a spouse who may not have sufficient income to support themselves and their children after separation.
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Time with children at Christmas, after separation

Time with children at Christmas, after separation

Several months before December each year, Mums and Dads are starting to prepare for Christmas. In this blog, we look at how to prepare for discussions about spending time with children and what options are available if you cannot agree.
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Divorce is only one part of finalising separation from your partner

Divorce is only one part of finalising separation from your partner

To finalise separation from your partner, there are a number of issues that should be considered and addressed over and above obtaining a Divorce Order (if you were married) or simply moving on with your life if you were in a de facto relationship.
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How is child support determined in Australia?

How is child support determined in Australia?

In this article, we will look at who is entitled to child support payments, how they are determined and calculated, options if your payments are not being made and how to apply for changes to your assessment.
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Difference between a Binding Child Support Agreement and a Limited Child Support Agreement

Difference between a Binding Child Support Agreement and a Limited Child Support Agreement

Where the parents have separated, one party may consider payment for child support to the other party. In this article, we will look at the differences between binding agreements and limited agreements.
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What is duty of disclosure in family law?

What is duty of disclosure in family law?

When a marriage or de facto relationship ends and a property settlement is required, the parties are required by the Family Law Rules to provide full and frank disclosure about their financial circumstances. This is referred to as your duty of disclosure.
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