
What is a Family Court Conciliation Conference?

What is a Family Court Conciliation Conference?

A family law conciliation conference is similar to a mediation-style conference; however, it is conducted by a Registrar of the Court rather than being facilitated by a professional outside the court system.
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What is a Single Expert Witness in Property Matters?

What is a Single Expert Witness in Property Matters?

If parties cannot agree on the value for particular property, the family law system requires a valuation to be obtained by an independent expert, known as a Single Expert Witness.
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Is my inheritance protected after separation or divorce?

Is my inheritance protected after separation or divorce?

Unfortunately, inheritance is not a protected asset or property in family law matters when married spouses or de facto partners separate. Due to the broad discretion afforded to the Family Law Courts in Australia, the treatment of inheritances can be a vexing issue in property settlement matters.
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What is a directions hearing or court mention?

What is a directions hearing or court mention?

When your matter is listed in either the Family Court of Australia, Federal Circuit Court of Australia or the Family Court of Western Australia, often the court orders will indicate the matter is listed for “mention only” (court mention) or “directions only” (directions hearing). When people see this prescribed in their orders, frequently, the next question is, “what does that mean”?
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What is an Independent Children’s Lawyer?

What is an Independent Children’s Lawyer?

An Independent Children’s Lawyer is a lawyer appointed by the Court to represent the best interest of a child in parenting matters during family law proceedings.
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Separated parents and choosing your child’s school

Separated parents and choosing your child’s school

The choice of school your child attends is one of the major long-term decisions that is to be made by both parents. Unless the Family Court has made an Order to the contrary, both parents are required to consult with one another and consent to the choice or any change of a child’s school.
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Parenting from afar

Parenting from afar

The desire for Mums and Dads to continue to build and enjoy strong relationships with their children whilst away is forefront.
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Benefits of a Men’s Behaviour Change program in family law matters

Benefits of a Men’s Behaviour Change program in family law matters

The purpose of “Men’s Behaviour Change courses” is to initiate a change process in men's behaviour and provide a forum for exploring and challenging beliefs. Within this, there is a focus on making men accountable for their violence toward family members.
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Family law and superannuation splitting

Family law and superannuation splitting

Aside from the family home, superannuation has become one, if not the most valuable asset accumulated by individuals during their working life. In this blog, we look at how superannuation is treated in family law property settlement and the concept of superannuation splitting after separation or divorce.
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Breaching Family court orders – what can I do?

Breaching Family court orders – what can I do?

As family lawyers, we often come across instances where there are court orders in place (either interim orders or final orders), and one party is not complying with their obligations under the orders.
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Time limits for family law property settlement

Time limits for family law property settlement

Time limits apply in family law proceedings for property settlement and spousal maintenance matters. If you separate from your partner (whether married or in a de facto relationship), you will need to commence your property settlement proceedings within the specified time limits.
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What happens at a divorce hearing?

What happens at a divorce hearing?

After an application for divorce has been made by a party, a divorce hearing is allocated by the Court. Whether attendance at the divorce hearing is required is dependent on whether there are children of the marriage who are under the age of 18 years and whether the application was made solely or jointly.
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